SEM, or search engine marketing, is a digital marketing tactic that focuses on reaching users of the search engines. SEM formerly included search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Now, it only refers to paid advertising. People are constantly using search engines, making paid search an effective method of reaching online searchers. 

Google Search Ads 

When it comes to running a successful Google Ads campaign, a company can manage it in-house or outsource it. However, because you pay for each click, it’s critical that the campaigns’ overall setup and management are done correctly. Hiring a professional agency through PAG can help you accelerate your Google Ads effectiveness. 

Microsoft Search Ads 

Microsoft Search Ads, which covers Bing Search Ads and Yahoo Search Ads, has less competition on its keywords and can lower your cost-per-click budget. When done properly, they can be highly lucrative. Don’t assume that Bing/Yahoo isn’t for you. It might surprise you how cost-effective it is to acquire new prospects through this channel. PPC Agency Guide will help you find the best Microsoft Search Ads agency to help you today. 

Facebook Search Ads 

It’s no longer enough to design some ads and hit the “publish” button. Operating Facebook ads requires knowledge and experience. So rather than trying to run Facebook ads on your own, outsourcing them to professionals is often more cost-effective.

Twitter Search Ads 

Businesses need to invest in Twitter Search Ads. At the moment, Twitter has more than 400 million active users and ranks as one of the top social networking platforms. We will help you find a Twitter Search Ads Agency that can  assist you in generating more leads. 

LinkedIn Search Ads 

If you’ve used LinkedIn ads before, you’ve probably noticed that they’re not so easy to set up and maintain. Maybe you’re not getting as many leads as you’d like, or your costs and revenues aren’t balanced properly. Find the right agency to develop an effective LinkedIn Ads campaign For your business on our website.

Instagram Search Ads 

Get help creating and maintaining effective Instagram Search Ads with us. Optimize your Instagram audience reach with effective ads that are able to hit the mark, deliver optimum results, and generate leads in a cost-effective way. 

Amazon Search Ads 

Creating an Amazon PPC campaign can be a complicated process for those who are new Amazon sellers. Leave it to the professionals who have the experience and knowledge to generate profits and boost ROI. We will help you find the right agency for your Amazon Search Ads. 


Search engine marketing is a key benefit for businesses because paid ads have a higher CTR and more conversions than some other forms of marketing. PPC allows you to target specific keywords that are relevant to your target audience because it is easier to customize.

Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

Most people think of Google Ads when the conversation is about search ads. There are many other search ad platforms that one can use to increase the effectiveness of your search ad campaign. Research your target audience and identify the platforms that they frequent, and target them with ads on those platforms.

  1. Doing search ads well means making sure that you first determine if search ads are right for your type of business. This will prevent you from wasting money and getting a poor return on your ad spend.
  2. Using search ads is instant when compared to SEO. The moment your campaign is set up, they start to show on the search engine results.
  3. Search ads give you lots of control. You can choose your search ads to run at specific times and dates, thus giving you control to target at just the right time.

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